

Processing of applicant data

Hello and welcome to the pages of the Tiefenbacher Group career portal.

The protection of your data and transparent data processing are important to us. For this reason, we would like to inform you about the processing of your data in connection with your application and which claims and rights you are entitled to according to the data protection regulations.

This career portal offers you the opportunity to view all job postings of the companies of the Tiefenbacher Group that use this portal. For this purpose, ALFRED E. TIEFENBACHER (GmbH & Co. KG) has been commissioned as an order processor to provide the career portal and, if necessary, to carry out the recruiting process. We process data collected during visits to our pages in accordance with the data protection regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Responsibility for data processing

Responsible for the processing of your data is Alfred E. Tiefenbacher (GmbH & Co. KG), which also carries out the recruiting process for Tiefenbacher API + Ingredients GmbH & Co. KG and axunio Pharma GmbH.

For questions regarding data protection, you can reach the responsible data protection officer as follows:

What rights do you have?

You are entitled at any time to request from Alfred E. Tiefenbacher (GmbH & Co. KG) information about the data stored about you.

In addition, you have the right to correct incorrect data, to restrict the processing of data that has been processed too extensively and to delete personal data that has been processed unlawfully or stored for too long (insofar as this does not conflict with any legal obligation to retain data and no other reasons pursuant to Art. 17 (3) GDPR). In addition, you have the right to transfer all data you have provided to us in a common file format (right to data portability), insofar as you have provided the data to us within the scope of a declaration of consent or for the fulfillment of a contract (e.g. a cooperation agreement).

Insofar as you also have a right to object to individual procedures, this will be dealt with as part of the description of the individual procedures.

To exercise your rights, you can contact us at datenschutz@aet.eu.

You also have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about our processing of your personal data.

Voluntariness of the provision of data

The provision of your personal data is always voluntary. For the purposes of applicant management, we process the data that you have provided to us.

What data do we process from you?

When you access our career portal, our web servers automatically collect information such as the type of web browser, the operating system used, the domain name of the Internet service provider, the IP address of the computer used, the website from which you visit us, the pages you access on our site, and the date and duration of the visit. This data is used solely for statistical purposes and only in anonymous form.

The personal data you enter on the website as described below is collected and processed by us exclusively internally and only for the purposes of the application and recruitment process. We will not disclose this personal data to third parties unless we are legally obligated to do so in exceptional cases due to statutory requirements, for example to law enforcement authorities in the event of suspected commission of a criminal offense.

We process the data as previously described that you have provided to us. This usually includes:
  • Personal data (surname, first name, title)
  • Extended personal data (especially date of birth, marital status, possibly health data (e.g. indication of disability status).
  • Private contact data (private address, private phone numbers, private e-mail address)
  • Biographical data (from the curriculum vitae)
  • Image data
  • Other voluntary information
After entering and transmitting your data, it is sent directly to the server of our external portal service provider via an encrypted connection. All data is encrypted on the basis of the SSL procedure.

The websites of the career portal as well as the applicant management system are hosted by the company rexx systems GmbH, Süderstrasse 75-79, 20097 Hamburg, Germany. The data is stored exclusively in encrypted form on the servers used by this service provider itself or by subcontractors. The company rexx systems GmbH complies with all requirements of the data protection regulations of the GDPR and there is an order processing agreement within the meaning of Art. 28 para. 3 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) between Alfred E. Tiefenbacher (GmbH & Co. KG) and rexx systems GmbH.

Purpose of the processing of your personal data

Your data is required for the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship (§26 (1) BDSG*). This means that we process your data for the purpose of a possible employment.

In individual cases, we will obtain your consent to the processing or transfer of your data. This may be the case, for example, if your application is to be kept for a longer period of time or if your application is to be considered for another position within our company or another group company. In these cases, your consent is voluntary and can be revoked by you at any time for the future. In particular, this applies to your voluntary consent to be included in the talent pool, which is described in more detail in the section "Deletion of your data - Talent pool".

Your data will only be processed for purposes other than those mentioned above if such processing is permissible pursuant to Art. 6 (4) GDPR* and is compatible with the original purposes. We will inform you about such processing prior to any such further processing of your data.

Upon hiring, we transfer relevant data to the personnel file.

Disclosure of your personal data

In the course of applicant management, there are clear rights to view your application documents: Only the administrators and the hiring decision-makers will see your application documents. Your application documents will only be passed on, e.g. for further job offers in our company, with your prior consent.

As a globally operating group of companies, we may also be interested in passing on your applicant data to other group companies. In these cases, we will obtain your consent to the processing and transfer of your data before transferring it.

We use order processors to provide special services. The transfer of your data to them is carried out in strict compliance with the obligation of confidentiality and the requirements of the GDPR. The processors commissioned by us, who may only process the data for us and not for their own purposes, are obliged to comply with the requirements of the GDPR. In these cases, the responsibility for data processing remains with us.

Legal basis

Alfred E. Tiefenbacher (GmbH & Co. KG) processes your personal data for the possible initiation of an employment relationship (Art. 88 GDPR*, § 26 BDSG*). We process your data for pre-contractual measures in the context of applicant management (Art.6 (1) lit. b GDPR*). In addition, we process your data insofar as this is necessary for the assertion of legal claims and defense in legal disputes and this is necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations (Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR* and Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR*). In addition, we process your personal data insofar as this is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of us or a third party (Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR*).

Data deletion


If you are not hired, we will delete your data 6 months after sending the rejection letter. If you are hired, we will transfer relevant data to your personnel file.

Talent pool

Your consent to be included in the talent pool is given either when you apply online via a corresponding field at the end of the application form or subsequently by giving your consent in writing.

If you have agreed to your data being stored in our talent pool, it will be kept for an extended period of 24 months after the rejection letter has been sent.

By agreeing to be included in the talent pool, you also agree to your person and your data being checked for the possible filling of other positions in all of the following companies of the Tiefenbacher Group:
  • Alfred E. Tiefenbacher (GmbH & Co. KG), Hamburg
  • Tiefenbacher API + Ingredients GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
  • axunio Pharma GmbH, Hamburg
You can revoke your voluntarily granted consent to the inclusion in the talent pool described above at any time.

* Abbreviations:
BDSG: Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (German Federal Data Protection Act)
GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation